In This World
Microscope Chronicle
Microscope Explorer
That’s How You Get A Space-Baby
Final game of our City of Winter campaign. Our family (or what’s left of it) dreamed of escaping to the moon, but it’s clearer and clearer that crystal palaces and dome… Jun 17
Lenses & Legacies: Microscope Design Journal
Another deep dive into the Microscope Chronicle (re)design process. Today I’m talking about three more changes I’m trying out. The first is a refinement of scene questi… Jun 9
We Wrestle With Identity All The Time
During a game a little while ago, I remarked that story gamers wrestle with concepts of identity all the time. More than lots of other people and even more than other gamers. It wa… Jun 7
An Award for GMless Games
The CRIT Awards (Creator Recognition in TTRPG) has a category for GMless games, which is just… very cool? I normally don’t pay too much attention to awards but if you&… May 27